
Improving educational outcomes and budgets for all schools

StudyBlock’s provides a range of tools for schools to enhance student achievement, streamline teacher workload, support personalised learning, and improve budgets.

Find the best resources

Find exclusive, high-quality 
classroom resources effortlessly with our marketplace: big previews, various buying options, and verified creators.

Shop with confidence

All resources are created by teachers for teachers, ensuring quality and suitability. Plus, we accept school purchase orders for hassle-free transactions.

time & money

With our industry-first, affordable, print-on-demand service, transform your favorite resources into high-quality prints, perfect for the classroom.

Supporting students with every sale

Every sale supports teachers and schools, boosting budgets and enhancing positive outcomes for students.

Get students more engagaed

Provide students with professional quality, differentiated and AI-enhanced resources for every subject that result in impactful, engaging learning experiences.

Your AI partner

Say goodbye to creator’s block! Effortlessly generate new content with our free AI tools, crafted by teachers for teachers.

Create like a Pro!

Craft professional-quality resources effortlessly using our resource editor. With over 10,000 educational templates and assets, you’ll never start from scratch again.

made easy

Support all students with our built-in AI tool, designed to differentiate and tailor content to meet diverse student needs.

Make money with StudyBlocks

Love your new resource? Share it on our marketplace to support colleagues and boost your budget!

Partnering with

Free professional design for schools

For a limited time, educators worldwide can access our free graphic design service. Upload your resource and get it enhanced with professional design and AI, free of charge!